Step 1
Decide if you wish to pursue a degree related to a field you already hold (in-field), or if you wish to complete
a program that will add a new field to your certificate such as Curriculum and Instruction.
Note that a new field program will require passing the associated
GACE assessment(s).
Step 2
Log into the Upgrade Advisor using the 'Login' link at the top of this page, or through the link in the lower left-hand
menu of your
MyPSC Dashboard. Once
logged in, choose either of the following options.
For in-field programs:
Select “In-Field Upgrade”
Select “Show Degrees” under Upgrade Degree Options for the certificate field you wish to complete a related
degree in
Select the degree by checking the box next to the degree title
Select “Add to List”
Select “Save List”
Degrees marked
yes are approved to lead to an upgrade. Degrees marked
no will not lead to an upgrade.
In either case, some degrees may be accompanied by a note next to their approval status that may offer additional
Degrees approved for an upgrade in any certificate field except Educational Leadership result in a level increase
that applies to any position requiring certification. For example, should you hold English and History certification,
a level increase resulting from an approved program in-field with English would also apply to a History assignment.
For new field programs:
Select “New Field upgrade”
Select the degree level you are seeking to upgrade to
Select the certification field you want to add (Curriculum and Instruction, Media Specialist, etc.)
Once the program is displayed, add the program to your list and save the list as a confirmation of approval
New field degrees are not listed as yes or no. Any new field degree that appears in the Advisor is approved to lead to an
upgrade should you also pass the associated GACE assessment. You may also view all GaPSC-approved in-state programs on
Georgia Approved Programs.
New field upgrades with the exception of Educational Leadership apply to any position requiring certification.
For example, should you complete an approved master’s program and testing to add School Counseling, the resulting level 5
would also apply should you remain in the classroom.