
Georgia offers certification in several service fields. The qualifications for certification in each field are outlined below. Please note, Performance-Based Professional certificates are not issued in service fields because holders of service certificates are not currently evaluated on the statewide evaluation system, TKES. Service fields cover grades P-12 and are as follows: School Psychology, School Counseling, Media Specialist, School Social Work, Speech and Language Pathology, Audiology, School Nutrition Director, Instructional Technology, Teacher Leadership, Curriculum and Instruction, and Literacy Specialist.

School Psychology

The School Psychology certificate allows individuals to serve as School Psychologists in grades P-12.

Qualifications for a Standard Professional certificate include:
  • One of the following:
    • Completion of a state-approved certification program in School Psychology at the Ed.S. degree level or higher;
    • Completion of a National Association of School Psychologists (NASP)-approved School Psychology program;
    • A valid National Certified School Psychologist (NCSP) credential;
    • Submission of a professional School Psychologist certificate from another state at the Specialist degree level or higher.
  • A passing score on the GACE School Psychology assessment, copy of official score of the content exam required to obtain the out of state professional certificate, or verification of 5 years of acceptable experience earned while holding the professional out-of-state certificate.
An applicant may qualify for a Non-Renewable Professional certificate by meeting one of the following options:
  • Meeting all qualifications listed above for a Standard Professional certificate, except that the state-approved School Psychologist program was completed at the master’s degree level. This certificate is issued for 3 years.
  • Individuals who have satisfied all applicable Special Georgia Requirements and have completed all coursework for a state-approved or NASP-approved program at the specialist or doctoral level, with the exception of any internship, thesis, or dissertation requirements. This certificate is issued for 3 years.
  • Holding an expired GA Clear Renewable or Standard Professional School Psychology certificate but not meeting renewal requirements. This certificate is issued for 1 year.
For more information about the field of School Psychology, please click here to read the applicable Certification Rule.

School Counseling

The School Counseling certificate allows individuals to serve as School Counselors in grades P-12.

For those who are seeking initial GaPSC certification, the qualifications for a Standard Professional certificate include:
  • One of the following:
    • Completion of a School Counseling approved program at the master’s degree level or higher or submission of a professional School Counseling certificate issued by another state at the master’s level;
    • Submission of a valid National Certified School Counselor (NCSC) credential issued by the National Board of Counselors or;
    • Submission of a valid State of Georgia Professional Counselor’s license (LPC or LAPC) issued by the Professional Licensing Boards Division of the Secretary State.
  • Pass the GACE content assessment or copy of official score of the content exam required to obtain the out-of-state professional certificate or verification of 5 years of acceptable experience in the field earned while holding the professional out-of-state certificate.
  • Completion of a course in identifying and educating exceptional children with a grade of B or better.
An applicant may qualify for a Provisional certificate in School Counseling if they do not hold an educator certificate and meet the following requirements:
  • Hold a master’s degree or higher from a GaPSC-accepted accredited institution in any counseling area; or a Master of Social Work degree; or a valid State of Georgia Clinical Social Work license issued by the Professional Licensing Boards Division of the Office of the Secretary of State;
  • A passing score on the GACE School Counseling assessment;
  • Employment by a Georgia LUA.
The Provisional certificate will be issued for one (1) year pending verification of enrollment in a GaPSC-accepted educator preparation program leading to certification in School Counseling. Once enrolled in a GaPSC-accepted program, the certificate will be extended for two additional years.

A Georgia LUA may request a Non-Renewable Professional certificate if the educator meets one of the following options:
  • Holding a valid, professional GA certificate in another field at a level 4 or higher and has completed a master’s or higher degree in any counseling area. This certificate is issued for 3 years.
  • Holding an expired GA Clear Renewable or Standard Professional School Counseling certificate but not meeting renewal requirements. This certificate is issued for 1 year.
To add School Counseling to an existing Professional certificate in any field, the Georgia educator must complete the following:
  • A GaPSC-approved certification program or a Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) accredited program in School Counseling.
    • Georgia Educators who complete out-of-state programs not accredited by CACREP will not be eligible to add School Counseling to their certificate unless enrolled in the program prior to April 15, 2017.
  • A passing score on the GACE School Counseling assessment;
  • Completion of a course in identifying and educating exceptional children with a grade of B or better.
For more information about the field of School Counseling, please click here to read the applicable Certification Rules.

Media Specialist

The Media Specialist certificate allows individuals to serve as Media Specialists in grades P-12.

Qualifications for a Standard Professional certificate include:
  • Completion of a Media Specialist approved program at the Master’s degree level or higher or submission of a professional Media Specialist certificate at the master’s level issued by another state;
  • Pass the GACE content assessment or copy of official score of the content exam required to obtain your professional certificate or verification of 5 years of acceptable experience in the field earned while holding the professional out-of-state certificate.
An applicant may qualify for a Provisional certificate in Media Specialist if they do not hold an educator certificate and meet the following requirements:
  • A bachelor’s degree or higher from a GaPSC-accepted accredited institution;
  • A passing score on the GACE Media Specialist assessment;
  • Employment by a Georgia LUA.
The Provisional certificate will be issued for one (1) year pending verification of enrollment in a GaPSC-accepted educator preparation program leading to certification in Media Specialist. Once enrolled in a GaPSC-accepted program, the certificate will be extended for two additional years.

A Georgia LUA may request a Non-Renewable Professional certificate if the educator meets one of the following options:
  • Holding a valid, professional GA certificate in any field at a level 4 or higher. This certificate is issued for 3 years;
  • Holding an expired GA Clear Renewable or Standard Professional Media Specialist certificate but not meeting renewal requirements. This certificate is issued for 1 year.
For more information about the field of Media Specialist, please click here to read the applicable Certification Rule.

School Social Work

The School Social Work certificate allows individuals to serve as School Social Workers in grades P-12.

Qualifications for a Standard Professional certificate include:
  • One of the following:
    • Completion of a Master’s of Social Work (M.S.W) degree from a GaPSC-accepted accredited institution;
    • Complete a state-approved certification preparation program in School Social Work at the master’s degree – level five (5) or higher;
    • Hold a valid State of Georgia Master of Social Worker’s or Clinical Social Worker’s license issued by the Professional Licensing Boards Division of the Office of the Secretary of State.
A Georgia LUA may request a Non-Renewable Professional certificate if the educator meets one of the following options:
  • Holding a valid, professional certificate in any field at a level 4 or higher. This certificate is issued for 3 years;
  • The applicant holds an expired Georgia Professional School Social Work certificate but has not met renewal requirements. This certificate is issued for 1 year.
For more information about the field of School Social Work, please click here to read the applicable Certification Rule.

Speech and Language Pathology

The Speech and Language Pathology certificate allows individuals to serve as Speech and Language Pathologists in grades P-12.

Qualifications for a Standard Professional certificate include:
  • One of the following:
    • Completion of a Speech and Language approved program at the Master’s degree level;
    • Completion of an American Speech, Language and Hearing Association (ASHA)-approved program at the master’s degree level from an accredited institution;
    • Submission of a valid ASHA Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech and Language Pathology;
    • Submission of a valid State of Georgia Speech and Language Pathology license issued by the Professional Licensing Boards Division of the Secretary State or higher;
    • Submission of a professional Speech and Language Pathologist certificate at the master’s level issued by another state.
  • A passing score on the Praxis Speech & Language Pathology assessment or verification of 5 years of acceptable experience in the field earned while holding the professional out-of-state certificate. For Praxis information and registration, call Educational Testing Service at (800) 772-9476 or access their website at
A Georgia LUA may request a Non-Renewable Professional certificate if the educator meets one of the following options:
  • Holding an expired GA Clear Renewable or Standard Professional Speech and Language Pathology certificate but not meeting renewal requirements. This certificate is issued for 1 year.
For more information about the field of Speech and Language Pathology, please click here to read the applicable Certification Rule.

School Nutrition Director

The School Nutrition Director certificate allows individuals to serve as School Nutrition Director in grades P-12.

Qualifications for a Standard Professional certificate include:
  • Completion of a School Nutrition Director certification approved program at the master’s degree level or higher.
An applicant may qualify for a Provisional certificate in School Nutrition Director if he/she does not hold a Georgia educator certificate and meets the following requirements:
  • A bachelor’s degree or higher from a GaPSC-accepted accredited institution;
  • Employment by a Georgia LUA.
A Georgia LUA may request a Non-Renewable Professional certificate if the educator meets one of the following options:
  • Holding a valid, professional GA certificate in any field at a level 4 or higher and is assigned out-of-field. This certificate is issued for 3 years.
  • Holding an expired GA Clear Renewable or Standard Professional School Nutrition Director certificate but not meeting renewal requirements. This certificate is issued for 1 year.
For more information about the field of School Nutrition Director, please click here to read the applicable Certification Rule.


The Audiology certificate allows individuals to serve as Audiologists in grades P-12, which allows individuals certified in this field to identify and treat hearing, balance, tinnitus, and other auditory disorders in students to promote student achievement.

Qualifications for a Standard Professional certificate include:
  • One of the following:
    • Completion of an American Speech, Language and Hearing Association (ASHA)-approved program at the master’s degree level from an accredited institution;
    • Completion of a state-approved certification program in Audiology at the master’s degree level or higher;
    • Submission of a valid Certificate of Clinical Competence in Audiology from the American Speech, Language and Hearing Association (ASHA);
    • Submission of a valid State of Georgia Audiologist license issued by the Professional Licensing Boards Division of the Secretary State or;
    • Submission of a professional Audiology certificate at the master’s level issued by another state.
A Georgia LUA may request a Non-Renewable Professional certificate if the educator meets the following:
  • Holding an expired GA Clear Renewable or Standard Professional Audiology certificate but not meeting renewal requirements. This certificate is issued for 1 year.
For more information about the field of Audiology, please click here to read the applicable Certification Rule.

Instructional Technology

The Instructional Technology certificate allows individuals certified in this field to provide instruction, training, and resources to students, teachers and administrators in order to facilitate the use of technology in the classroom to promote student achievement.

Qualifications for an Induction or Standard Professional certificate include:
  • Holding a level 4 or higher 5-Year Induction, or renewable Professional certificate (Teaching, Service, or Leadership);
  • Completion of a state-approved program at the master’s level or higher;
  • Passing score on the GACE content assessment.
An applicant may qualify for a Non-Renewable Professional certificate if the applicant holds an expired Georgia Renewable Professional certificate but has not met renewal requirements. This certificate is issued for 1 year.

For more information about the field of Instructional Technology, please click here to read the applicable Certification Rule.

Teacher Leadership

The Teacher Leadership certificate allows individuals to serve as a Teacher Leader in grades P-12. Individuals certified in this field retain classroom responsibilities while also assisting peers to improve classroom practice resulting in higher levels of student learning.

Qualifications for an Induction or Standard Professional certificate include:
  • Holding a level 4 or higher 5-Year Induction, or renewable Professional certificate (Teaching, Service, or Leadership);
  • Completion of a state-approved program at the master’s level or higher;
  • Passing score on the GACE content assessment;
An applicant may qualify for a Non-Renewable Professional certificate if the applicant holds an expired Georgia Renewable Professional certificate but has not met renewal requirements. This certificate is issued for 1 year.

For more information about the field of Teacher Leadership, please click here to read the applicable Certification Rule.

Curriculum and Instruction

The Curriculum and Instruction certificate indicates strengthened and enhanced competency levels to perform in specific areas as outlined in Rule 505-2-.141.

Qualifications for an Induction or Standard Professional certificate include:
  • Holding a level 4 or higher 5-Year Induction, or renewable Professional certificate (Teaching, Service, or Leadership);
  • Completion of a state-approved program at the master’s level or higher;
  • Passing score on the GACE content assessment.
An applicant may qualify for a Non-Renewable Professional certificate if the applicant holds an expired Georgia Renewable Professional certificate but has not met renewal requirements. This certificate is issued for 1 year.

For more information about the field of Curriculum and Instruction, please click here to read the applicable Certification Rule.

Literacy Specialist

Literacy Specialist allows individuals to provide instructional support to classroom teachers and paraprofessionals while working collaboratively to implement effective literacy strategies and quality literacy programs in grades P-12 as outlined in Rule Rule 505-2-.150.

Qualifications for an Induction or Standard Professional certificate include:
  • Holding a level 4 or higher 5-Year Induction, or renewable Professional certificate (Teaching, Service, or Leadership);
  • Completion of a state-approved program at the master’s level or higher;
  • Passing score on the GACE content assessment.
An applicant may qualify for a Non-Renewable Professional certificate if the applicant holds an expired Georgia Renewable Professional certificate but has not met renewal requirements. This certificate is issued for 1 year.

For more information about the field of Literacy Specialist, please click here to read the applicable Certification Rule.