The resources provided on this page are intended for organizations interested in seeking GaPSC approval to offer programs
leading to Georgia educator certification. All providers of programs that lead to certification, whether they are traditional (offered by an
institution of higher education) or non-traditional (alternative preparation), degree bearing or non-degree bearing, or endorsements must be
approved by the GaPSC before students are enrolled. The administrative unit, or organization that offers the program(s) is called the
educator preparation provider (EPP) and it, as well as each program offered must be approved. From start to finish, the approval process for
a new EPP can take up to two years. Long-term planning, dedicated resources, and a clear understanding of the process are essential for
success. An overview of the process is provided in the document titled, "Steps to Becoming a GaPSC-approved Program Provider", which is
available below for downloading, along with other related documents. Additional resources are available on the resources page for
Educator Preparation Program Providers.