Title IV Compliance

Title IV Compliance
On October 31, 2023, the US Department of Education amended regulations implementing Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA). These amendments, which are effective July 1, 2024, affect institutions offering programs leading to educator certification or licensure. On the webpages linked below, resources are provided to support the compliance of GaPSC-approved educator preparation providers (EPPs), as well as out-of-state (OOS) EPPs preparing Georgia educators.

Please be aware that GaPSC staff are not authorized to represent the USDOE by providing interpretations of or by answering questions about the regulations; therefore, questions about the regulations must be directed to USDOE. Likewise, questions related to the licensure requirements of other states must be directed to the applicable state licensing agency.

Resources for GaPSC-approved (Georgia-based) EPPs

Resources for out-of-state EPPs