How to Apply for an Upgrade and What Documents to Submit
Below are the most common upgrade scenarios and the minimum documentation required for each case.
The lists are not
exhaustive, and additional documents may be requested.
Prior to completing an online application which will initiate an evaluation, please ensure all documents and any
required assessments are on file.
See the bottom of this topic for how to view documents and assessments on your file,
and how to check the status of a submitted application.
For a list of additional transactions and required documents, see
Common Documents Required for Each Certification Transaction Type.
In-Field Program
If you completed a program related to a field of certification you currently hold, and it did
not lead to an
additional field being added to your certificate, please ensure the following minimum documentation is submitted:
Online application requesting an upgrade using the Applications link on the left-hand menu of your
MyPSC Dashboard
An official transcript
reflecting your degree award date submitted electronically directly from the institution to
or by your human resources department through their institution’s GaPSC account if you are employed
at a Georgia school
A $20 processing fee completed through the Payments link on the left-hand menu of your
MyPSC Dashboard or
your human resources department may submit an electronic Employer Assurance Form through their institution’s
GaPSC account if you are employed at a Georgia school which will negate the fee
New Field Program
If you completed a Georgia program that led to the addition of certification in a new field such as Curriculum and
Instruction, Media Specialist, Instructional Technology, etc., please ensure the following minimum documentation is
Current Personal Affirmation Questions completed through the Personal Affirmations link on the left-hand menu
of your MyPSC Dashboard
An official transcript
reflecting your degree award date submitted electronically directly from the institution to
or by your human resources department through their institution’s GaPSC account if you are employed
at a Georgia school
Electronic program completion verification submitted by the university’s certification officer through their
institution’s GaPSC account
Passing scores for the GACE
corresponding to your program if applicable, which are transferred to your account automatically from our testing
supplier within 1 month of passing all parts of an assessment
A $20 processing fee completed through the Payments link on the left-hand menu of your
MyPSC Dashboard or
your human resources department may submit an electronic Employer Assurance Form through their institution’s
GaPSC account if you are employed at a Georgia school which will negate the fee
Note that once the electronic recommendation and current Personal Affirmation Questions are on your file, a
certification case will open automatically for review.
Alternate level 6 (specialist equivalent through an in-field
level 7 doctoral program)
If you are working towards an approved in-field doctoral program, and you have completed 36 semester hours including 18
in-field credits and the university’s examinations (or equivalent), you may apply for consideration of an alternate level
6 through the submission of the following minimum documentation:
- Using the Applications link on the left-hand menu of your
MyPSC Dashboard:
An official transcript
reflecting 36 semester hours including 18 in-field credits submitted electronically directly from the
institution to or by your human resources department through their institution’s
GaPSC account if you are employed at a Georgia school
A $20 processing fee completed through the Payments link on the left-hand menu of your
MyPSC Dashboard or
your human resources department may submit an electronic Employer Assurance Form through their institution’s
GaPSC account if you are employed at a Georgia school which will negate the fee
Note that if your program leads to a new field upon completion, you would not be eligible for an alternate level 6
being that your program is currently not in-field. Once you complete your program and associated testing, you may
submit the materials for a new field upgrade outlined above.
How to View Documents and Assessments on Your Account
On the left-hand menu of your
MyPSC Dashboard you may view
all documents on file using the
View Submitted Documents link, and all assessments on file using the
Assessments link.
GACE scores are transferred to your account automatically from our testing supplier within 1 month of passing
all parts of an assessment.
How to Check the Status of Your Application
Application Status
for more information on the status of your application, or
How to Check the Status of your Application and Upload Documentation for a video walkthrough. To help us
process applications efficiently, please wait at least two weeks after completing your application before
contacting our office with any concerns.
You may also view the
Correspondence/Notifications link on the left-hand menu of your
MyPSC Dashboard for any updates
regarding your case. We automatically receive notification of any submitted missing documentation and it is
unnecessary to notify us of additions to open cases.
Should your level be increased and/or a new field added to your certificate, you may view your updated credential
using the
Certificate/License link on the left-hand menu of your
MyPSC Dashboard.