Educator Preparation policies include the standards, rules, and requirements educator preparation providers (EPPs) and programs
must meet in order to earn and maintain approval of programs resulting in certification. In addition, educator preparation policies
describe procedures for approval review and monitoring, and EPP reporting requirements.
GaPSC policy development is collaborative in that it frequently involves either an ad hoc task force or a standing advisory group. Task
forces and advisory groups are comprised of subject-matter experts and education stakeholders—those who are impacted by our policies.
Representatives of Georgia P-12 schools, colleges and universities, RESAs, professional associations, and other state agencies serve
on GaPSC task forces and advisory groups. These stakeholders provide valuable input from diverse perspectives, helping ensure policies
are fair and focused on improving educational outcomes for students, as well as educators.
See Task Forces and Advisory Groups for a list of those currently engaged in policy development.
Once a task force or advisory group examines policy requirements, they make recommendations for consideration. GaPSC staff share
those recommendations with the 18-member board of the
Professional Standards Commission, which serves as the final
decision-making body. After Commission approval, GaPSC staff disseminate the new or revised policies to all EPPs then work with
them to ensure their understanding of the policies and GaPSC expectations for implementation.