The Code of Ethics for Educators
The Code of Ethics for Educators provides guidance for protecting the health, safety and general
welfare of students and educators, and assuring the citizens of Georgia a degree of accountability
within the education profession. All applicants are screened for certification and for employment
to assure that their background does not include acts that would present a possible danger or
unhealthy environment for students.
Employment Requirement
Employment in a Georgia public school includes federal/state background checks. Specific procedures for initiating the process are determined by the employing school system.
Certification Requirement
Individuals applying for a Georgia certificate must answer a set of Personal Affirmation Questions.
False answers may be grounds for disciplinary action. A "Yes" response to any question requires an
attached explanation with supporting documentation and will be investigated by the GaPSC. For details
about Personal Affirmation Questions, please visit our
Video Series page and open the 'Certification' section.
Additional Screening
Georgia is an active user of the NASDTEC National Clearinghouse database for educator discipline. Disciplinary action taken against an educator’s certificate is reported to the Clearinghouse for use by other state certification offices. The GaPSC checks all applicants against the NASDTEC database and honors the sanctions imposed by other states.
For more information, click here.