All applicants for Georgia educator certification must fulfill certain
Special Georgia Requirements.
These requirements fall into four categories, which are described below.
Content Knowledge Assessment
All applicants for Georgia certification must pass the content knowledge assessment(s) applicable to their fields
of certification, unless they fall under one of the following exemptions:
- Out-of-state professional certificate holders who have worked full-time in their certificate
field for five years (see Out-of-State Experience Exemption below for more information);
- Out-of-state professional certificate holders who were required to pass a content assessment
for their out-of-state certificate;
- Individuals holding valid National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS)
certification in the specific certificate field(s) sought in Georgia;
- Individuals seeking certification in one of the following fields in which Georgia does not have
an approved content assessment: Audiology,
CTAE Career
Specializations, Dance, Drama, Healthcare Science, School Nutrition Director, School Social Work, Speech,
Physical and Health Disabilities, Special Education Preschool, Visual Impairment, and some world language fields.
If you do not meet any of the exemption criteria outlined above and wish to learn more about taking a GaPSC-approved
content knowledge assessment, please visit the
Content Assessment
Standards of Conduct
An applicant for certification in Georgia must comply with the
ethical standards of the profession. An FBI background check
(fingerprint) is required for employment in Georgia public schools and a Georgia criminal history check is required
every five years for certificate renewal. In addition, applicants for certification must respond to background check
questions on the application form. Individuals applying for or already holding certification who violate standards of
conduct may be subject to a GaPSC investigation which could involve certificate denial, suspension or revocation. For
more information about the Code of Ethics for Educators and the GaPSC Ethics Division, please visit the
Ethics page.
Special Education (Exceptional Child Course)
The special education requirement mandated by House Bill 671 is satisfied by completing a course in the identification
and education of children who have special educational needs. This general introductory survey course emphasizes the
characteristics of all exceptionalities (behavioral, developmental, and learning disabilities, deaf education, physical
and health disabilities, and visual impairment, as well as gifted) with the appropriate identification and educational
programming. In addition to coursework, the following may also satisfy the requirement:
- Holding National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
(NBPTS) certification;
- A degree with a major in Special Education; or
- Five years of successful out-of-state educator experience
(see Out-of-State Experience Exemption below for more information);
There are many courses that cover the required topics, and if you have completed an educator preparation program in
another state you may have already completed an acceptable course. If you would like to know if a certain course would
be applicable, please
Contact Certification and include the course name,
course description, and a link to the institution’s website. For common examples of exceptional child course verbiage,
please see the following:
Example Course Title
Example Course Description
Teaching Exceptional Children
Identification and education of students with special educational needs. The course explores clinical and
standardized testing, analyses of intelligence and aptitude, and emphasizes the development of curriculum
and instruction appropriate to divergent learners.
Adapted Physical Education
Designed to educate the student in the identification and education of students with special education
needs, and in the development and implementation of programs to provide differentiation, accommodations,
and modifications for supporting the needs and abilities of students with special needs in grades P-12.
Educators who must complete an acceptable course include those holding a Georgia certificate and/or
Permit in:
- Any teaching field
- Educational Leadership
- Media Specialist
- School Counseling
If you completed student teaching in Georgia, you must complete this requirement before receiving your first
certificate. However, some individuals may qualify for initial certification without completing an exceptional
child course prior to issuance, and must complete it before renewal, conversion, or extension of their first
- Those who hold a professional out-of-state certificate
- Those qualifying for a
5-Year Induction certificate
based on the completion of student teaching outside of Georgia
- Those applying for their first Georgia Permit
If you need to fulfill this requirement, you may complete a 3 semester hour college or university course with
a grade of “B” or higher (effective July 1, 2019, for courses completed on or after this date), or a Georgia
professional learning course worth 5 professional learning units (PLUs). For more information about approved
PLU courses, please contact a
Regional Education Service Agency (RESA).
Please note that a course covering only selected exceptionalities (such as a course focused on working
with students with autism) will not satisfy this requirement.
Ethics Assessment
The Georgia Educator Ethics Assessments are designed to both teach and assess knowledge of the Georgia Code of Ethics for Educators and ethical skills
to guide behaviors and decision making.
The Educator Ethics Assessment is designed for beginning and currently practicing teachers.
- Educator Ethics Assessment (Test Code 360) is
required for individuals applying for the following certificates:
- Pre-Service;
- Provisional;
- International Exchange;
- 1-Year and 5-Year Induction;
- Initial 3-Year Permit;
- 5-Year Permit (if initial Permit was issued after 10/15/17); and
- Clearance certificate if certification is waived by the employing school
district using a charter or strategic waiver.
The Ethics for Educational Leadership Assessment is designed for beginning and currently practicing Administrators.
Ethics for Educational Leadership (Test Code 380) is required for the following:
- Admission to any GaPSC-approved Educational Leadership program on or after July 1, 2020;
- Completion of any GaPSC-approved Educational Leadership program on or after July 1, 2016;
- Issuance of a Non-Renewable Educational Leadership – Tier I or Educational Leadership –
Tier II certificate; and
- Issuance of a Professional certificate in Educational Leadership – Tier I or Educational
Leadership – Tier II based on reciprocity (unless exempted by experience outlined in Out-of-State Experience
Exemption below).
For more information, please visit the
Ethics Assessment page.
Out-of-State Experience Exemption
Veteran out-of-state educators moving to Georgia may be eligible to exempt all Special Georgia Requirements except the
Standards of Conduct should the following be held
prior to an application for initial Georgia certification:
- A minimum of five full years of
successful experience
meeting the following criteria:
- The appropriate professional in-field certification was held for the duration (experience
earned while holding a non-professional-type certificate is acceptable only if professional certification
if subsequently attained)
- Experience was accrued in the same issuing state as the required certification
- Each year resulted in a satisfactory performance review as indicated on an
Experience Verification Form
(a letter from a supervising administrator, or a copy of each final yearly review may be submitted with the Form if
human resource policy prevents the disclosure of performance)
- All years were full-time employment, defined as a minimum of 120 days per school year (partial years
cannot be combined)
Experience submitted may be from any time in an educator’s career, and does not need to be five sequential years to be accepted.
However, please note the following requirement-specific criteria:
- For the purpose of exempting a content knowledge assessment, should you have been assigned to two or more
subject areas during a school year, only one may be exempted. For example, an educator with five years of concurrent
Mathematics and English experience may only exempt either the Mathematics or English content assessment.
- The Ethics for
Educational Leadership Assessment may only be exempted by five
years of successful Educational Leadership experience.
- Specific special education/gifted experience is not required to exempt the exceptional child course.
Please note that once an educator is both certified and employed in Georgia utilizing their Georgia certification, they
no longer qualify for full interstate reciprocity.
Any additional out-of-state experience accrued after receiving Georgia certification and employment in
Georgia cannot be applied towards subsequent exemptions.