Inspire. Motivate. Influence. Lead change. Foster innovation.
Georgia Non-Traditional Educator Preparation Providers offer a wide selection of endorsements that enhance an educator’s professional
knowledge and skills. These endorsements recognize additional expertise, qualify educators to teach in specialized areas, and add value
to a certificate. In some areas, the endorsement is required in order to be considered in-field in a designated area, while in other
cases the endorsement is not required but simply strengthens and enhances competency levels. At the same time, some endorsements
authorize the educator to work in the designated area only at the grade level and subject matter of the base certificate while other
endorsements authorize work in all subjects at specific grade levels. Specific information is found in the in-field statement in each
endorsement rule. Visit the
Non-Traditional providers in your area to see which endorsements they offer. You will find that they all offer a variety of programs to
help you achieve your professional goals.
Click here to find Approved Programs Leading to Certification.
Current Approved Endorsements:
Teaching Endorsements
- Autism Education
- Birth through Kindergarten
- Career Technical Instruction (CTI)
- Coaching
- Computer Science
- Coordinated Career Academic Education (CCAE)
- Dual Immersion Elementary Education
- Dyslexia
- Elementary Agriculture
- English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
- Financial Literacy
- Gifted In-Field Education
- Intervention Specialist
- K-5 Mathematics
- K-5 Science
- Online Teaching
- Personalized Learning
- Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports
- Reading
- Safety and Driver Education
- Special Education Deaf Education
- Special Education Physical and Health Disabilities
- Special Education Preschool
- Special Education Transition Specialist
- Special Education Visual Impairment
- STEM Education
- Urban Education
- Work Based Learning
Service Endorsements
- Coaching
- Multi-Tiered System of Supports Facilitator
- Teacher Leader
- Teacher Support and Coaching