GACE content assessments help ensure educators have the content knowledge in their field(s) to perform the job of an educator
in Georgia’s schools. Each respective GACE is aligned with program preparation standards (state and national) and Georgia’s P-12 curriculum.
Georgia only accepts GACE score results from tests taken on or after September 1, 2006.
Speech and Language Pathology - The GaPSC will accept the results of the Praxis
Speech-Language Pathology test administered by ETS. As of September 2014, the ETS test code is 5331 and
the passing score is 162. Results from the Praxis test previously offered in this field, code 5330 or 0330,
will also be accepted with a passing score of 600. More information about the Speech and Language Pathology
Praxis is available here.
Results of Praxis tests will be accepted by Georgia only for tests passed prior to September 1, 2006, except the exception noted above.
All GACE content assessment results are reported as scaled scores with a scale of 100 to 300. The minimum
passing score on most GACE content assessments is the induction level score of 220; the professional passing
score is 250. While the American Sign Language Proficiency Interview (ASLPI) is assigned ratings of 1 to 5,
these ratings are then converted to the GACE score scale of 100-300. ASLPI has an induction passing score of
3 (GACE scale score 220) and a professional passing score of 3+ (GACE scale score 250).
Because scores from tests within an assessment offered by different test suppliers are not comparable, passing
scores on tests within an assessment cannot be split between testing suppliers. Test takers must pass all parts
of an assessment with the same testing supplier for that assessment to count toward certification. For example,
an examinee cannot pass Mathematics Test I with a prior GACE test taken with ES and Mathematics Test II with the
current supplier, ETS, to get credit for completing the Mathematics GACE assessment.
Once a state-approved assessment is passed, the assessment does not need to be retaken. However, there is an option
to retake a passed content assessment for certificate renewal. More information about this renewal option is available
Registration and preparation information for GACE content assessments is available at