Convert To Different Tier

In most cases, you may apply to convert your certificate to a different tier at any time during the validity of the certificate. The sections below include information specific to each type of certificate.

Provisional To Induction or Professional

Educators must complete all the requirements of a state-approved educator preparation program and all applicable Special Georgia Requirements, which includes the following:
  • A passing score on the content knowledge assessment(s) applicable to their fields of certification will be required for conversion to an Induction or a Professional certificate;
  • A passing score on the Georgia Educator Ethics Assessment (Test Code 360). This score is also transmitted electronically to the GaPSC.
Those who have 3 years of successful educator experience will qualify for a Professional certificate.

Induction to Professional

In order to convert your Induction certificate to a Professional certificate, please complete the requirements outlined in the correspondence issued with your Induction certificate. The documents you need to submit with your application for conversion are also included in that correspondence, which can be accessed through your MyPSC account.

Standard Professional to Performance-Based Professional

If you hold a Standard Professional teaching certificate, you must meet the following additional requirement to convert to a Performance-Based Professional certificate:
  • Have at least 3 years of successful teaching experience within 5 years of the date of application, with a Proficient or Exemplary summative TKES evaluation each year.
If you meet the above requirements, instructions on how to apply may be found here.

Professional to Advanced or Lead Professional

Please visit the Advanced/Lead Professional page for requirements and necessary documentation.