Steve Barkley on Professional Learning

Steve Barkley is the featured speaker in this video. For the past 30 years, Steve has served as a consultant to school districts, teacher organizations, state departments of education, and colleges and universities nationally and internationally, facilitating the changes necessary for them to reach students and successfully prepare them for the 21st century.

Video link: Steve Barkley: Professional Learning for Student Achievement (13:21) (mov, 499 MB)
Alternative video link: Click here for MP4 (150.5 MB)

Guiding Questions for the video:

  1. How is effective teaching leading to student learning like a team sport?

  2. How does teaching being a public act impact student learning?

  3. What are some student achievement indicators in addition to standardized tests?

  4. In the graphic model for student learning, what role does each level have in reaching student learning goals?
    a. Students
    b. Teachers
    c. Professional Learning
    d. Leaders