Teacher Preparation Program Effectiveness Measures

The Teacher Preparation Program Effectiveness Measures (TPPEMs) share data about Georgia educator preparation programs and their impact on the teacher pipeline, including certification assessment results, cohort characteristics, completion and hiring trends, and reflections of completers and their employers once they reach the classroom. The designation ND denotes no data or insufficient data availability.
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TPPEMs Year 2024
Educator Preparation Provider (EPP)
Preparation Program

GACE: 220 is a passing score. (Range: 100-300)
Employer Satisfaction Survey: 3 or higher reflecting employer agrees that a new teacher is prepared for the classroom. (Range: 1-4)
New Teacher Satisfaction Survey: 3 or higher reflecting the new teacher feels that they were prepared for the classroom. (Range: 1-4)
Program Providers
Avg. Content Knowledge Assessment (GACE)
Min. Passing Score - 220
Avg. Employer Satisfaction Survey
Agree Prepared - 5
Avg. New Teacher Satisfaction Survey
Agree Prepared - 5
Avg. Program Completers Per Year (last 3 yrs)Provider Type
Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College 263 5.2 5.8 35Public University or College
Albany State University 246 5 5.4 48Public University or College
Augusta University 259 5.1 5.2 97Public University or College
Berry College 267 5 5.2 29Private University or College
Brenau University 255 5.5 5.7 54Private University or College
Brewton-Parker College 253 5.5 4.4 8Private University or College
Central Savannah River Area RESA 251 5.4 5.5 21Regional Educational Service Agency
Chattahoochee-Flint RESA 246 5.4 5.9 31Regional Educational Service Agency
Clark Atlanta University 246 4.8 4.2 19Private University or College
Clayton County Public Schools 254 5 5.5 57Public School System
Clayton State University 255 4.8 4.9 37Public University or College
College of Coastal Georgia 259 5.3 5.6 34Public University or College
Columbus State University 256 5.2 5.2 117Public University or College
Covenant College 268 5.5 5.8 21Private University or College
Dalton State College 258 5.1 5.6 83Public University or College