Welcome to the Educator Certification Division of the Georgia Professional Standards Commission! We are glad you're interested in the certification of
Georgia’s P-12 educators.
If you are a
current Georgia educator, you will find resources and information designed for you at the following link:
If you would like to learn more about becoming a Georgia educator, you may want to start with one of the following pages:
For general information about Georgia’s certification structure, please use the pages below:
For information on the application process, please
click here.
You will find other helpful links in the menu to the left.
We are confident that you will find what you are looking for here on our website. If you do not, our Certification staff is happy to assist you by phone:
404-232-2500 – Metro Atlanta area and Out of State
800-869-7775 – In-state, outside the Metro area
8:00 am to 11:30 am and 12:30 pm to 4:30 pm
Mondays and Wednesdays
excluding state holidays
You may also use the form at
Contact Certification.
Contact form submissions are usually answered within 5 business days during our busy season (May – October) and 2 business days during
other months. If you have ever submitted documents to our office or taken a GACE assessment, be sure to include your
Certification ID.
To maintain the security of your information, please do NOT include your Social Security Number or MyPSC password.