Annotated Bibliography

Using Data to Inform Decisions on Professional Learning

Bowgren, L. & Sever, K. (2010). Professional development in a professional learning community. IN, Solution Tree Press.
Authors Bowgren and Sever recognize the different needs of educators. Just as you acknowledge that your students need differentiated instruction, the authors recognize this for educators. This book explores differentiated instruction with educators! Chapters explore the power of differentiation, adult learning theory, a three step model for differentiated professional learning, and setting up differentiated professional learning experiences. Educators will find this read refreshing and they may find their mindset shifts toward individualizing educator support.
Danielson, L. Fostering reflection. Educational Leadership. 66 (5).
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Lana Danielson acknowledges that great teachers know when to make decisions quickly and when to step back and reflect in this article. Reflection is a key skill supporting data analysis to inform decisions regarding professional growth. Consider the four modes of thinking presented and think about your reflective processes. Danielson presents a specific way to categorize reflective thought to include technological thinking, situational thinking, deliberate thinking, and dialectical thinking. All educators grow professionally when they allow themselves time to intentionally reflect – make this process a part of your data analysis process!
Goe, L., Biggers, K., & Croft A. (2012). Linking teacher evaluation to professional development: Focusing on improving teaching and learning. National comprehensive Center for Teacher Quality.
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Authors Goe, Biggers, and Croft present six components in an aligned teacher evaluation and professional growth system: 1. High-quality standards for instruction; 2. Multiple standards-based measures of teacher effectiveness; 3. High-quality training on standards, tools, and measures; 4. Trained individuals to interpret results and make professional development recommendations; 5. High-quality professional growth opportunities for individuals and groups of teachers; and 6. High-quality standards for professional learning. Making the connection between your evaluations for accountability and improving your performance is essential; actions supporting both are one in the same. Administrators and teachers will find this resource very helpful when implementing a new evaluation system based on student performance accountability.
Learning Forward. 2014. Data. Standards for professional learning.
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Learning Forward defines data through their standards for professional learning. Explore this standard and gain insight into the interconnected relationship between educator, student, school, and system data. A short video clip provides one educator’s perspective on using data to drive professional learning. Administrators and teachers should explore this resource and consider the relevance of professional learning; how does the professional learning you engage in represent student needs? School needs? Educator needs?
Teaching Channel. “Data driven professional development”.
-- Video clip retrieved from
The production objective of this video is to provide you with insight into how to develop relevant, ongoing professional development to improve instruction. The clip is approximately seven minutes and explores the relationship between leadership, data analysis, and staff buy-in and effective professional learning. Administrators and teachers who choose to use this clip to open a discussion or planning session supporting data driven professional learning will be pleased.