Steve Barkley: Clarifying Student Behaviors

Steve Barkley is a highly respected educational consultant, coach, and partner in transformational initiatives both nationally and world-wide.

Video link: Steve Barkley: Clarifying Student Behaviors (12:06) (mov, 450 MB)
Alternative video link: Click here for MP4 (148.9 MB)

Guiding questions for discussion and reflection on the major concepts in the video

  1. How does Steve explain the role of student behaviors in student achievement?

  2. In a classroom observation, what are some of the key indicators that students are learning?

  3. How would the school leader recognize if in the Professional Learning Community, the model is operating as a Franchise or a Team?

  4. What are key criteria for identifying teacher leaders have the greatest propensity for modeling behaviors leading to teams of trust?

  5. Who goes FIRST in the implementation of Learning Communities and what does “going first” mean?

  6. Who must change in order for students to learn and achieve at a higher level?

  7. How are those changes in behavior supported?

  8. Why is it important to include in the plan when to celebrate/reinforce behaviors and when to address concerns and redirect?

  9. How does the example given for the math goals fit the student learning backward process model?