Non-Instructional Aide

The Non-Instructional Aide license is issued to eligible individuals hired to perform routine non-instructional tasks. A Non-Instructional Aide takes no independent actions, has no decision-making authority regarding instructional matters, and performs only routine tasks assigned by personnel with higher certification. The Non-Instructional Aide license must be requested by an employing Georgia LUA.

Qualifications for this license include:
  • Employment as a non-instructional aide by a Georgia LUA;
  • Minimum of a high school diploma or GED equivalent.
If you are interested in obtaining a Non-Instructional Aide license, you must first seek employment with a Georgia school. Your certification application package will be submitted by your employer.


Renewal requirements for the Non-Instructional Aide license include:
  • Minimum of 20 clock hours of job-related training provided by the employing Georgia LUA;
  • Employment by a Georgia LUA.
If you have fulfilled the above requirements, your employer may submit your renewal application.