CAPS (Certification/Curriculum Assignment Policies System) is a web-based, “In-Field Assignments” resource created by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission. This resource aligns courses from the Georgia state-approved curriculum with the Georgia certificate(s) which are in-field to teach that course. The system allows a user to find a course and its appropriate certificates using four different search criteria: by choosing a subject area, entering a course number, entering an exact title or partial title, and/or choosing a grade level. Please note that special education fields may be present for many courses, however; it is listed with the assumption the course will be taught in a special education setting. Special education educators are not in-field while teaching regular education courses.

Courses listed in CAPS are described in the current course catalog posted on the GaDOE Curriculum and Instruction page.

Choose or enter search criteria and click the Search button. Click the Clear button to start over.

The data on this page is best displayed on mobile devices in landscape view.

Search Certification Assignment

Subject Area:
Grade Level:
Course Number:
Course Title Keyword:
Certification Field:

You can download and access the entire CAPS database below (in Excel .csv format).